Moth species from the Great Southern Region of Western Australia.
There are an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 species of moths in Australia. But most people pay them very little attention. Moths are easily overlooked. Perhaps because of their stereotype of being small grey pests. They often fly at night (but not always), camouflage well and many are quite small. Their life span as the winged adult can also be brief, sometimes just 24-48 hours. Enough time to emerge from their cocoon and hopefully find a partner, mate, lay eggs and die.
Few species of moths are actually pests, despite their reputation. Moths are important pollinators, a food source for other animals and they facilliate nutrient cycling in our ecosystems. Their larvae also break down our tough Australian foliage and leaf litter that ultimately reduces fuel loads - very important in relation to bushfires! There is much we need to learn. We dont even know the conservation status of most moth species as so little data exists.
All of the species shown below are found in my local region - the southern most tip of Western Australia. Some are only found here and no where else in the entire world. Others can be found in other parts of Australia or other countries.
There is no field guide that specifies what species are found here, I pieced together the collection from those I found and photographed, from books, from social media posts and the pictures friends sent me. I photographed them so I could draw them without disturbing them and to enable me to zoom in and see detail that I couldn’t make out with the naked eye.
Materials: Artist grade wax crayon on yuppo paper. Suspended between two pieces of glass.
Aenetus blackburnii, Blackburns Ghost Moth - female
Aenetus blackburnii, Blackburns Ghost Moth - male
Agrotis porphyricollis, Variable Cutworm
Anachloris subochraria
Athela ariprepes, Four Spot Annelid
Chlorocoma cadmaria, Spectacular Emerald Moth
Oenochroma cerasiplaga
Epicyme rubropunctaria, Red Spotted Delicate
Eublemma cochylioides
Eochrois holochroa
Thudacea haplotona
Moerarchis clathrata
Haplophanes haplochrysta
Hednota perionoma
Cnaphalocrocis trapezalis, Maize Leaf Roller
Dasypodia selenophora, Southern Old Lady Moth
Dichromodes confluaria
Dichromodes personalis
Dryandra moth, Carthaea saturnioides
Euchaetus species
Oenosandra boisduvalii, Boisduvals Autumn Moth - female
Oenosandra boisduvalii, Boisduvals Autumn Moth - male
Opodiphera helena, Helena Gum Moth
Philobota xanthastis
Plutella australiana / Plutella xylostella
Pterolocera elizabeta - male
Pterophoroidae species, Plume Moth
Scopula rubraria, Platain Moth
Bogong Moth, Agrotis infusa
Spilosoma glatignyi, Black and White Tiger Moth
Synemon magnifica, Anzac Sun Moth
Synemon sophia, Flame Sun Moth - male
Hemibela callista
Hoplostega ochroma
Hypsidia niphosema
Leucania diatrecta, Dark-barred Wainscot
Lomera pantosemna (male)
Magpie moth, Nyctermera amicus
Meal Moth, Pyralis farinalis
Ochrogaster lunifer, Bag Shelter Moth
Zelleria isopyrrha